Refer a Stylist/Salon

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If you are a salon, or know of a salon, who is interested in partnering with Hair Matters, please contact us through our website to get more information. 

Some preliminary guidelines for participation are: 

-Licensing and Insurances requirements

-Our Information Portal and Proprietary Continuing Education Program

-Adequate service and storage salon space, hours of operation, parking and ADA compliance

-A general overview of our Partnership Agreement

There are a limited number of Partnerships available based on local and national demographics. This is an exclusive agreement that strives to maintain the highest level of excellence and standard of care nationwide.

We will ask you to complete our initial application telling us your why you’re interested. What inspires you to participate with Hair Matters? Upon a favorable decision to partner with your salon, you will be asked to review and sign:

· Policies and Procedures

· Continuing Education Agreement· 3rd Strand Partnership Agreement

Related Resources

Client Stories

“You are B-E...

Patrick D. donated more than his hair: he also left a heartfelt


100+ WWC Supports...

Hair Matters selected as recipient charity in November 2019.

Client Stories

A donation—at...

Hazel Pine was right where she wanted to be: donating her hair


Become an Angel

Your gift enables us to provide critical care to those unable to


Chemo & Hair...

Understand the process of hair loss due to chemotherapy.

Client Stories

Donating Gray Hair

“Let’s talk about hair. Glorious silky gray. Many a woman of advanced


Early Media...

NewsCenter Maine reported on Hair Matters shortly after it was formed.

Client Stories

Grief and...

In the midst of grief, Gary L. found a way to express


Hair Donations Up...

WGME-13 reported that more Mainers are donating their hair during the pandemic


Honoring our Hat...

One stitch at a time, fiber artists Sandi Lavoie and Marilyn Sinskie painstakingly


Interview with...

Wellness expert Lynda Adams talks with Debby Porter for her podcast Living


Losing my locks...

The "Maine Millennial" writes about her hair donation.

Client Stories

One Good Deed...

Liz Gaudet, a Hair Matters volunteer, upholds the legacy of her friend:


One of 20...

On Oct. 16, 2018, Hair Matters Founder Debby Porter was named a


Opportunity to do...

Hair donations are up, reports the Washington Post.


Peace of mind

Hair Matters offers avenue for women who face hair loss to build


Salt Institute...

Listen to how Hair Matters found a solution for Amelia Eujania Fennelly's


Sharon Strong...

Join us in support of Sharon, Hair Matters, and others affected by


Six Facts about...

Helpful information about the causes of hair loss and how to manage


Social worker....

Health writer Diane Atwood explains Debby Porter's trifecta of traits.



Members of the Wells High School field hockey team make hair donation.


Testimonial Video


WGME-13 Covers...

WGME-13 in Portland traveled to Standish to cover the Sharon Strong Fundraiser


Wig care...

Start by detangling the hair on your wig. Gently comb or “pick” from


WPOR’s &...

Portland’s country radio station, WPOR, featured Hair Matters as their “Feel Good

We want to hear from you!

If you have questions about our organization or are interested in partnering with us, please fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!