Debby Porter
Following her rigorous treatment, Debby was given a tour of the Cancer Community Center where she was shown a room with closets and drawers overflowing with wigs, hats, scarves and products that had been lightly used and then donated (re-gifted). But no one knew what to do with all of this!
Debby thought maybe she could find people who could use them, and did she ever! In 3 ½ years, she has served nearly 200 individuals. She began offering free wig consultations, fittings, and customizations. She also offered hair cutting, head shaving ceremonies, and hair reshaping as clients’ hair grew back. She raised money and sponsorships to provide products and accessories at no cost. Debby holds a B.A. in Social Work so addressing the “Whole Person” came naturally to her. Hair Matters addresses the concerns of our clients’ family and friends as well as the larger community.